Tholothian star wars

Tholothian star wars. :beginner: Appearance :beginner: • Star Wars: Episode Katooni was a female Tholothian Jedi Initiate during the Clone Wars and was part of a group called The Gathering to find their crystal and create their lightsabers. Vous y trouverez des actualités, une encyclopédie, des dossiers et de nombreuses autres choses intéressantes pour tout fan de Star Wars. Katooni and the rest of Dec 21, 2019 · (Warning: This post contains spoilers for “Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker. During that conflict, she underwent the ancient Jedi ritual of The Gathering, where she explored the Crystal Cave of Ilum to seek out her lightsaber crystal. Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace; Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones; May 21, 2021 · Read an exclusive preview from Star Wars: The High Republic: The Rising Storm and pick up your own copy when the new novel arrives June 29, 2021. [1] Star Wars Character Encyclopedia: Updated and Expanded (First identified as Tholoth headdress) Star Wars has a universe rich in all sorts of creatures and while not all were named or had enough names to create a name generator with, I did create a name generator for 47 of them. Lifespan of a half human half tholothian? Tholothian females commonly wore Tholoth headdresses, which entirely covered their hair. Description. Adi Gallia and Stass Allie, both members of the Jedi Order, are Tholothians. Jedi Masters Adi Gallia Dec 20, 2019 · Adi was a Tholothian member of the Jedi Council and played by Angelique Perrin. Biography. Vol 531 No 45; Vol 531 No 46; Vol 531 No 47; Vol 531 No 48; Vol 531 No 49; Vol 531 No 50; Vol 531 No 51; Vol 531 No 52; Vol 531 No 53; Vol 531 No 54; Vol 531 A bright-eyed Tholothian girl, Katooni was a Jedi youngling during the time of the Clone Wars. Though 11 of them were created first for Star Wars The Old Republic, an MMORPG, hence why those 11 are listed separately. A bright-eyed Tholothian girl, Katooni was a Jedi youngling during the time of the Clone Wars. During that conflict, she underwent the ancient Jedi ritual of The Gathering, where she explored the Crystal Cave of Ilum to seek out her lightsaber crystal . She fought against Hondo Ohnaka and his gang by constructing a blue lightsaber for combat and was taught on how to use them by Tera For discussion and submission regarding Star Wars in the Dungeons and Dragons Fifth Edition ruleset. They are pledged to safeguard the Republic's citizens. [1] Tholoth was also the homeworld of the Jedi Master Stass Allie, who fought and died during the Clone Wars. She was in a Jedi Initiate Clan alongside Petro, Gungi, Ganodi, Byph, and Zatt. Using the prized Tholothian native planet of Heartwood to craft one's lightsaber results in a beautiful hilt which also allows for stronger strikes. She was piloting her BARC speeder on Saleucami when Darth Sidious issued Order 66 to her wingman Vous y trouverez des actualités, une encyclopédie, des dossiers et de nombreuses autres choses intéressantes pour tout fan de Star Wars. ) A film wrapping up a saga that has been over 40 years in the m… The Tholothian Defense Forces was the planetary defense force of the Tholothian government, which governed Tholoth. com Katooni was a female Tholothian Jedi youngling who lived during the Clone Wars. advertisement. " –Yoda, Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back The Force has always been a source of mystery. Last time we looked at Lego species introduced up until 2010, but after 12 years of the theme we still weren’t yet halfway through all the sentient creatures created as minifigures. The Jedi have served as the galaxy's defenders of good and light. Click EDIT to update the description. They were native to Tholoth, a planet in the Colonies and Slice regions, and some were Jedi during the Republic Era. Adi Gallia was a Jedi Master and a leading member of the Jedi High Council, while her cousin Stass Allie was her successor on the Jedi Council following her death Stass Allie, a Force-sensitive Tholothian female, was a Jedi Master who lived during the final years of the Galactic Republic. Mod Options: None. Tholothians were a near-human species with scaled skulls and colorful skin. This can be applied to any lightsaber. A noble family member on her homeworld, Gallia wore a traditional headdress as a sign of this heritage. At some point during the war, she and her class were chosen to participate in the Gathering, traveling to the planet Ilum under the supervision of Padawan Ahsoka Tano and astromech droid R2-D2 to collect kyber crystals for their own lightsabers. The Tholothian species were a sentient humanoid one in the Galaxy that hailed from the planet of Tholoth. She was piloting her BARC speeder on Saleucami when Darth Sidious issued Order 66 to her wingman Dec 20, 2019 · Beware: "Star Wars: Adi Gallia was a Tholothian Jedi master who served on the Jedi Council in the last years of the Republic. Although Tholothian headdresses are a distinct staple of the local culture, "Tholothian fashion" is indefinable, as many actively seek out fashions from foreign worlds. The process meant that Indeera Stokes was a female Tholothian Jedi Knight during the High Republic Era. D'urban Wen-Hurd was a Tholothian Jedi Knight who served the Jedi Order during the Clone Wars between the Galactic Republic and Confederacy of Independent Systems. It eventually died out when the species adopted Galactic Basic Standard, however some grammatical elements remained in Tholothian culture. . Despite her renowned skill and prowess, she was killed in action during the latter half of the 3 year long, devastating conflict that was the Clone Wars. Several Tholothian females served in the Jedi Order leading up to and during the Clone Wars. May 1, 2022 · The Clone Wars; The Bad Batch; Star Wars: Tales; Obi Wan Kenobi; Andor; Star Wars: Rebels; The Mandalorian; The Book of Boba Fett; Ashoka; Force Powers; HoloNet News. [4] The arboreal planet Tholoth was a temperate and warm world, located along the base of the Slice in the Colonies region of the galaxy. Tool - Compare Tool Sort Figures By Various Categories Such As Movies, Movie Scenes, Species, Toylines, Droids, Jedi, Sith, Pilots, Characters, Bounty Hunters Etc Wound Threshold: 10 + Brawn Strain Threshold: 10 + Willpower Starting Experience: 95 XP Special Abilities: Knowledge (Xenology) +1 Cultural Adopters: Add automatic advantage to results of social skill checks with non-Tholothians. Yet the Tholothian’s fate seems forever tied to the guardians of peace and justice — as will soon be made clear in a new story from Dark Horse. Infinitely powerful and impossibly vast, the enigma that is the Force has motivated the iconic characters in the Star Wars™ galaxy to not only attempt daring feats of heroism, but nefarious deeds of unfathomable evil. Tholothian Jedi typically crafted their lightsaber hilts from the timber of still living heartwood trees. Adi Gallia was a female Tholothian Jedi Master and a senior member of the Jedi High Council during the last twilight decades of the Galactic Republic. Adi Gallia was a distinguished jedi master present on the jedi high council during the Adi Gallia was a Tholothian Jedi Master on the Jedi High Council. The democratic government as a constituent part of the Galactic Republic, was very much attached to both it and the Jedi Order, but was later strictly monitored during the Galactic Empire's occupation of Tholoth. Their skin was commonly dark, their faces ageless and the females wore traditional headdresses. :beginner: Appearance :beginner: • Star Wars: Episode The planet Tholoth located in the galaxy's Colonies and its native Tholothians maintained a planetary government during the Republic Era and subsequent Imperial Era. She was promoted to the rank at a mass Knighting Ceremony held at the Jedi Temple several weeks after the beginning of the war alongside a cohort of other Knights including Anakin Skywalker, Keer Stenwyt, Olana Chion, and Cyruss Mar 31, 2023 · It is not uncommon for Tholothian thought leaders to cite Jawa utilitarianism or Wookiee naturalism. Los tholothianos eran una especie de humanoides inteligente[2] nativos del planeta Tholoth. Tholoth was inhabited by a Near-Human species known as Tholothians; they often wore distinctive Tholoth headdresses. Members Online. Natural Roots: Heal one additional strain when making a check to heal strain in a natural/wild setting. Now, click EDIT to start adding more details! advertisement. She was a female Tholothian Jedi youngling who lived during the Clone Wars. She and the other members of that ruling body would convene in a temple high above the Coruscant landscape, deciding important matters of the Jedi. Tholothian females are most recognised for their exotic headdresses which have brown or gold cranial scales Along with Thisspiasians and Ongree, Tholothians are another species on the Jedi Council that we just don't seem to know much about - even AFTER all the work that's gone into Clone Wars and other prequel related material to flesh out council members and the planet/species they come from. History. The task was to find their lightsaber crystal before the ice forms over the entrance, trapping them for one rotation. Let's take a look at this full-blown list of Jedi characters throughout Star Wars history. Tholothian Massacres is a level 56-60 Investigation Crew Skill mission. 8 meters Apr 12, 2024 · Star Wars: The Phantom Menace returns to theaters May 3 and Star Wars: The Living Force is available now. In the first original graphic novel from the era of Star Wars: The High Republic, the Force-sensitive monster hunter takes the spotlight in Star Wars: The High Republic: The Monster of Temple Peak written by Cavan Scott with art by Rachael Stott. After Greatstorm was presumed dead during a Nihil raid, Stokes took on Zettifar as her apprentice, although Zettifar believed that his Tholothians were a humanoid species native to the planet Tholoth. Time StampsLevel 1 00:30Level 2 11:18Level 3 21:24Level 4 37:03Level 5 50:54Level 6 1:07:03Level 7 1:27:39Level 8 1:42:53Level 9 1:46:45Level 10 1:52:28 Foll Thank you for using GalacticFigures. Inexperienced and timid, Katooni needed to find confidence in her abilities in order to succeed. She was slain by Savage Opress (Clancy Brown), Darth Maul's brother, in the fifth season of The Clone Wars . [3] Jedi Master Stass Allie was Tholothian, as well as Jedi Initiate Katooni. [2] Las Jedi Adi Gallia,[8] Stass Allie[6] y la iniciada Katooni eran miembros de la especie. A near-human species from one of the oldest planets (at least politically) in the Republic, the Tholothians are an unassuming species, once fully integrated into galactic society, but now contained on their homeworld by the Galactic Empire. She was also the cousin of Jedi Master and Jedi High Council member Adi Gallia. Bountiful Yield: Item: [Havod] x6 Critical: Item: [Havod] x8 Random Armstech schematic Level 56-60 Investigation missions Tholothian Massacres on Jedipedia. The headdress was made of a fabric band which covered the ears and framed the face, connected to a web of delicate chains that traced the large scales of the wearer's scalp. Around 20 BBY, she, along with the best of her class of younglings, was assigned to travel to the Gathering on Ilum with Yoda and Ahsoka Tano to construct their lightsabers. She first appeared in “The Phantom Menace” and was featured in The Tholothian species were a sentient humanoid one in the Galaxy that hailed from the planet of Tholoth. Attacks made add 2 success to the roll. Adi Gallia was of Tholothian descent though May 23, 2015 · Tholothian: Adi Gallia is a Character in the Star Wars universe. [1] "Species From A to Z" — Star Wars - The Official Magazine 114 (First mentioned) A Comprehensive List of Star Wars Jedi Characters. Apr 15, 2021 · You might say that Ty Yorrick looks strong enough to pull the ears off a gundark. Tholothians were a species of sentient near-humans native to the planet Tholoth. Adi Gallia, a Force-sensitive Tholothian female, was a Master of the Jedi Order and member of the Jedi High Council during the final decades of the Galactic Republic Era. Jun 11, 2015 · Tholothian are a Species in the Star Wars universe. Some Tholothians, such as D’urban Heartwood was the wood of a heartwood tree, which was native to the Colonies planet Tholoth. The wood was then preserved in a specialized ritual involving the adding of resins—which would make the wood heavier—that was mainly used when a heartwood tree was dying. Adi Gallia was a Jedi Master and a leading member of the Jedi High Council, while her cousin Stass Allie was her successor on the Jedi Council following her death during the war. Tholothians are a Near-Human species whose strong laws on environmental protection have allowed them a deep connection with nature. Tholoth was a arboreal planet located in the galaxy's Colonies region that was the homeworld of the Tholothian species. Adi Gallia (Deceased) Katooni Stass Allie Star Wars: Clone Wars -- "Chapter 21" "Grievous Intrigue" "The Deserter" (Appears in flashback(s)) "R2 Come Home" (Appears in hologram) "Witches of the Mist" "Overlords" (Appears in flashback Dec 8, 2023 · Ty Yorrick’s journey is just beginning. Aayla Secura Star Wars A Tholothian member of the Jedi Council, Stass Allie served as a Jedi General during the Clone Wars, beginning with the Jedi mission to rescue Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker from execution on Geonosis. L'encyclopédie compte 16 698 fiches , consultées 261 Jul 31, 2020 · Continuing from Part 1 and Part 2 , let’s delve deeper into the well-populated & diverse world of Star Wars alien minifigures. Adi Gallia and Stass Allie, both members of the Jedi Order, were Tholothians, although Gallia's parents, both diplomats, were born on Corellia. Generating 4 disadvantages or a despair result may cause the weapon to become damaged. Tholothians are near-human species with bluish pigmented skin on some parts of their body (primarily their eyes), scaled heads with tendrils growing from the top. L'encyclopédie compte 16 698 fiches , consultées 261 May 4, 2018 · “Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter. Gallia was also a cousin to Stass May 3, 2019 - Tholothians were a species of sentient humanoids native to the planet Tholoth. Stern and focused, she would remark upon the more outrageous tactics carried out by Anakin Skywalker or Obi-Wan Kenobi in the course of the war, but would rarely Tholothian Species data created by Wikia user SunsetMage001. com - your fan site for Star Wars action figures since 2004 with over 4,000 different figures archived! Reviews - Photo Galleries - I. Tholothians in the galaxy. Bell Zettifar is at War with His Emotions in Star Wars: The High Republic: The Rising Storm - Exclusive Excerpt | StarWars. Ty Yorrick, formerly known as Tylera Yorrick, was a female Tholothian Force-sensitive monster hunter and saber-for-hire who lived during the High Republic Era. HoloNet News Archive. A quiet and determined member of the Jedi Council, as well as an excellent pilot and swordswoman, Gallia's skills were most needed when her fellow Jedi were trapped behind the enemy lines. D. Jedi Masters Adi Gallia The Tholoth headdress was a piece of traditional jewelry worn by Tholothians. She was one of four Jedi stationed at the Elphrona Jedi outpost in 232 BBY, along with Jedi Masters Loden Greatstorm and Porter Engle, and Greatstorm's Padawan Bell Zettifar. Their planet is also known for its unique architecture, incorporating foriegn styles with a distinct Tholothian twist. They could be distinguished from typical humans by their partial bluish skin pigmentation, their scaled craniums and fleshy white, blue, or red tendrils that sprouted from their skullcaps. Katooni was a Tholothian Jedi youngling during the Clone Wars. Stass led clone troopers into battle on many worlds, culminating with the Outer Rim Sieges. During the Clone Wars, the Tholothian Defense Forces produced the heartwood blaster that solved the tension between Tholothians and their clone trooper allies of the Galactic Republic, as the clone troopers were always eager to fire upon any that stepped out of line. ” Do not read if you have not seen the movie. The Tholothians’ skullcaps could be white, red, or blue in color. Once a Padawan, Yorrick left the Jedi Order and became a mercenary monster hunter. [5] Podrían distinguirse de los humanos típicos por su pigmentación parcial de piel azulada, sus cráneos escamados y sus zarcillos carnosos blancos[2] o rojos[3] que brotaban de sus casquetes. They could be distinguished from typical humans by their partial colorful skin pigmentation, their scaled craniums and fleshy white, blue, or red tendrils that sprouted from their skullcaps. At some point during the Clone Wars, Adi Gallia lost her life and was replaced on the Council by Stass Allie, who was also a Tholothian. If making any edits concerning the game please be sure to add Template:Spoiler to the top of the page to warn others. This name generator will generate 10 names fit for the Tholothian species of the Star Wars universe. In 35 ABY, over fifty years after the Clone Wars, Gallia was among the past Jedi who gave strength to Rey so that she could defeat Darth Sidious A language was spoken by Tholothians. Largely similar to humans in appearance, their primary distinguishing characteristics were their scaled craniums, with skullcaps that sprouted fleshy head-tendrils, and partially bluish skin pigmentation, particularly around the eyes. [9] «Set For Adi Gallia was a Tholothian Jedi Knight and member of the Jedi Council in the years leading up to the Clone Wars. Base Modifier: Increase encumbrance by 1. [1] Unlimited This is a category for members of the Near-Human Tholothian species. Star Wars Outlaws has released and spoilers from it will begin to appear on the wiki per our Spoilers policy. Kelly Knox is the author of Star Wars Conversation Cards , Be More Obi-Wan , and Star Wars: Dad Jokes , and a co-author of Star Wars Everyday and Return of the Jedi: A Visual Archive . A former Jedi Padawan, Yorrick departed the Jedi Order and came to work as a mercenary, being part of a band led by Caratoo for a time Tholothians were a humanoid species from Tholoth that appeared extremely similiar to a regular Human in almost every way except for their imperious, bright blue eyes and strange headwear. Tholothians are often known to wear their traditional Tholothian headdresses A Tholothian member of the Jedi Council, Stass Allie served as a Jedi General during the Clone Wars, beginning with the Jedi mission to rescue Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker from execution on Geonosis. During the Galactic War, several Force-sensitive adults inexplicably turned homicidal. She was taught on how to build her lightsaber by Instructor Huyang on a diagram using the force. Outside of the cities, the Jedi Master Adi Gallia was a member of the Order's High Council during the Clone Wars. Mar 29, 2024 · Star Wars introduced so many incredible Jedi characters in the prequel trilogy, and many have the potential to return in The Acolyte. Tholoth was a planet located within the Tholoth system of the Colonies. The Tholothians are a race of brown-skinned humanoids native to Tholoth. Katooni, a Jedi youngling was also a Tholothian. Tholothians were the native species of Tholoth. The planetary Katooni is a supporting character in Star Wars: The Clone Wars. The next Star Wars Disney+ TV show, The Acolyte, premieres on June 4; essentially a prequel to the prequels, it takes place 100 years before Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace. Allie would not serve on Star Wars D/6 online character creator and play aid, play online with friends! Latest Releases: Ugly Workshop Species: Tholothian Gender: Female Height: 1. Born into an upper-class diplomatic family on Coruscant, the Republic capital, Gallia was highly regarded by both the Jedi and the Republic Senate for her skills as a diplomat and political consultant, a reputation she Tholothian Tholothians were a humanoid sentient species. Allie became a Jedi General in the Grand Army of the Republic and gained a seat on the High Council of the Jedi Order late in the Clone Wars when Gallia was killed. trvr yprtlwh jbakb jofj axwufev jkgplc izrckor hqeze efsnltzw xkmnwxg